Difference between C and C++ programmming language.
Difference Between C and C ++ programming language.
C Programming language
C was developed by Dennis Ritchie between the year 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs.
C is a subset of C++. C contains 32 keywords. C++ contains 63 keywords.
For the development of code, C supports procedural programming. Functions in C are not defined inside structures. Namespace features are not present inside the C.Header file used by C is stdio.h. Virtual and friend functions are not supported by C.
C ++ Programming language
C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979.
C++ is a superset of C . C++ is known as a hybrid language because C++ supports both procedural and object-oriented programming paradigms.C++ is an object-driven language. C++ focuses on data instead of focusing on method or procedure. C++ structures have access modifiers.C++ provides a new operator for memory allocation and a delete operator for memory de-allocation. Functions can be used inside a structure in C++. Namespace is used by C++, which avoids name collisions.
C is a very simple language actually, lacking many features found in newer languages. With C, there is no hand-holding, and most things have to be done manually. The standard library is very limited by modern standards. C is quite close to the hardware, which is actually its best feature. Being simple and close to the hardware is probably the main reason for C's continued success and popularity.
On the other hand, C++ is one of the more complex languages, which means it can take a long time to truly master. It evolved out of C, and therefore includes everything which was already in C. But, many C-style techniques are generally discouraged in C++. This combined with the fact that C++ is still evolving (C++11, 14) means that to master C++ you need to understand the history of the language and the advantages/disadvantages of different techniques. With C++ you can write high-performance, high-quality modular software. But there are many many pitfalls along the way, especially for those coming from a background of more forgiving languages (Java, C#, JavaScript, Python, etc.).
Most people don't realize that C++ can often produce even faster natively-compiled software than plain C. This is because of the template system and the ability to do extra work at compile time (for example, plain C's qsort is usually much slower than C++'s std::sort because of function pointers [C] vs. inlining [C++]). On the plus side, if you really master C++ most other languages will seem like a piece of cake by comparison.
C is a language invented between 1969–1973 along with the Unix OS, which was written in it. C++ was invented in 1979 and standardized in 1998, and it's basically a massive upgrade of C, but it's not C, it's something totally different altogether. Almost all code written in C will also compile perfectly as C++ code, since C++ is a strict superset of C, meaning it only adds features and doesn't remove or change anything (thus breaking compatibility).
Some of the additions are:
- Classes, the main new feature. Basically structs with function members, inheritance, and access specifiers. In C++, structs are almost synonyms with classes, except they have public members and inheritance by default.
- Namespaces, is also a big addition. In C, every function goes to a global namespace, which made name clashes common. Let's say you have included <unistd.h>: POSIX names are stupidly and dangerously generic, so you can't create a function called, for example, “open”.
- Function overloading is also a big addition. C++ uses name mangling to store the function's name, which is used to differentiate functions of different parameter types.
- Operator overloading, I wasn't kidding when I said it's massive, still a big addition, allows you to define custom behaviors for operations on classes. Syntax sugar, but welcome.
- Lambdas (C++11 and up), an amendment for the fact neither C nor C++ have first-class functions. Basically, functions that can be defined inline, stored on a variable, passed around, and called.
- Using statement, both a replacement for typedef and a way to use a namespace without typing its name all the time.
- Constexpr variables and functions, are evaluated at compile-time, and can replace the preprocessor at times (but not always).
C and C++ are not the same there is a lot of difference between C and C++ languages.
- C is a structural or procedural-oriented programming language but C++ is a partially object-oriented programming language.
- In C++, We can use STL(Standard Template Library) to implement most of the Algorithms and Data Structures but in C we have to manually code everything.
- In C++, there is a concept called the “Inline” function. The inline function execution is faster than the normal function. C doesn’t have the inline function concept.
- In C++, We have the “Vectors” dynamically grow-able array but that is not possible in the c programming language.
- We can implement all the C Programming concepts in C++ but vice versa is not possible.
- In C++ by using the friend function we can access the private members of the class but there is no concept of classes in C++.
- As C++ supports object-orientated programming we can implement Polymorphism, Inheritance, Abstraction, and Encapsulation but these are not possible in C language.